Events – Pre-KG Rhythm on Ramp photos
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Programme Name : Pre-KG Rhythm on Ramp photos
Date :13.03.2020
VENUE : PVBM, Auditorium.
The Pre-kg blooming buds celebrated Rhythm on Ramp on 13th March 2020 at PVBM auditorium. The show embraced a variety of performances.
The program started with introduction, prayer and welcome speech by our Pre-kg lollipops with cute little voices. Few glimpses of classroom routines, activities and celebrations were displayed as a video for parents. They enjoyed by seeing their kids on the screen.
The little ones mesmerized the audience with breathtaking performances like snowflakes rhymes, Tamil rhymes and Baby shark dance.
The tiny tots played the skit on “Lion and the mouse” which enthralled the audience. Our Senior Principal Mam praised the tiny tots and the KG team for their efforts. All were completely enchanted with the backdrop and the show. Gifts were honored to our sub staff as a token of love.
The program concluded with the vote of thanks. The twinkling stars carried home cherished memories with cute little take-home gifts.