The Session was about positive parenting conducted in 2 batches
She unfolded about 3 types of parenting
For each type of parenting she gave situations and 3 options and asked to choose their choice.
She explicated that each parent should be firm and Kind with their kids.
Firm : Consequences should be clearly stated and then adhered to when the in appropriative behavior occurs.
Kind: Use a friendly but firm communication style when letting children know they have behaved in appropriately and let them know they will receive the ‘agreed upon’ consequence. Encourage them to try to remember what they should do to avoid future consequence work at ‘ catching them being good’ and praise them for appropriate behavior.
Be a good listener and use good eye contact physically get down to the level of smaller children don’t interrupt.
Look for gradual changes in behavior and don’t expect too much praise behavior that’s coming closer to the desired goal.
The session was interactive and parent gained knowledge about positive parenting.