Navarathiri Celebration

Events – Navarathiri Celebration

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Programme Name : Navarathiri Celebration

Date : 19.10.18

Venue : PVBM

Navrathri was celebrated at Prasan Vidya Bala Mandir with pomp and gaiety on 09.10.2018. Gollu dolls were arranged in one of our Classroom according to the tradition and culture. Kids came in traditional attire. The celebration was started with traditional aarathi led by Principal and Vice Principal of our school. Children sang hymns and recited slokas in praise of Goddess Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi. The celebration was spotlighted by awesome dance performance of our lovely Pre-KG kids and our enthusiastic LKG, UKG kids. PVBM members, parents, students, of all the classes visited our Gollu and had an insight of our rich cultural and heritage.