How to treat skin hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation of the skin is an excessive deposition of the main skin pigment called melanin. This pigment plays the role of a filter for the skin, significantly reducing direct exposure to UV rays and preventing the appearance of sunburn.

Violation of the production of coloring pigment can be caused by a number of external and internal causes: endocrine, neuropsychiatric disorders, pregnancy, liver and biliary tract diseases, intoxication with chronic infections, as well as as a result of taking certain medications (antibiotics, salicylic acid, silver-containing drugs).

There are several types of hyperpigmentation of the skin, namely: ephelids (or freckles), chloasma, lentigo. Freckles, as a rule, can appear in childhood, and chloasma and lentigo in older age (after 40 years).

Treatment of hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation of the skin is a difficult task, because the root causes of the above violations remain unexplained, and therefore irreversible. Treatment of this disease, to a greater extent, is dictated by the elimination of cosmetic defects, rather than associated with deterioration of health.

In cosmetology, all kinds of whitening ointments are used, sessions of "deep" exfoliation of darkened skin areas with special formulations and preparations (glycolic acid, arbutin obtained from bearberry, retinol, hydroquinone) are conducted.

In addition, laser therapy is indicated for the treatment of hyperpigmentation, with the help of which the upper layer of the skin epithelium is removed. Previously, the cosmetologist tests the sensitivity of the skin in a small area to make sure that there are no allergic manifestations and that the laser will not contribute to the aggravation of the symptoms of the disease.

Herbal remedies from traditional medicine are considered to be a milder means of getting rid of hyperpigmentation, which, moreover, is more easily tolerated by the body. These include: freshly harvested birch sap, baking yeast, sauerkraut, strawberries, mustard and pumpkin seeds, cucumber and dandelion, parsley and others.

In the treatment of hyperpigmentation of the skin, in addition to the above external agents, you will additionally need to take the necessary amount of vitamins (primarily vitamin C). The most famous porn site nm porn watch free porn.