The session began with prayer, welcome speech followed by the Vice Principal address..
What does a child need from you? was the Vice Principal’s opening statement…
Answer was
1. Unconditional love
2. Acceptance
The participants were asked to read the word “ABHYAAS” then and
there in the session, in order to grab the attention of the participants.
Parents were oriented by a demo on the process of reading programme.
The presenters were presented the process of reading programme.
Strategies on handling books were elucidated.
Small demonstrations of Story Learning Experience were witnessed by the parents.
A live demo was given by LKG and UKG kids on how to read the sight words effectively at home.
Significance of Sight words was briefed with example.
Seven fun rules to create a Home Environment for kids on how to enhance the reading skills were presented by the Vice Principal Mrs. Malini.
Parents experienced a fruitful session on how to boost their kids in reading with the sense of joy and excitement.
The session concluded with REREAD..Reading a book again and again kids will be able to develop vocabulary, word recognition, comprehension, pattern and rhythm, fluency and confidence